
Five Features of the Google Search Engine You Need to Know

The Google search engine makes extensive use of proximity in its search. The company also tracks visual presentation details. Larger font words are weighted more heavily than smaller ones, and the raw HTML of web pages is stored in the repository. These are just a few features that distinguish Google from other search engines. Regardless of which type of website you own, you should be aware of these features to maximize your SEO efforts. Here are five tips to help your website achieve higher search engine rankings.


RankBrain for Google search engine is an algorithm that can understand the meaning of your query. It uses stop words and “concepts” in search queries. The RankBrain algorithm scans news articles and searches databases to understand your query, and predicts the next one you may type in. Google’s algorithm is constantly learning, and it updates offline and online when it sees that its prediction was good or bad.


The PageRank of Google’s search engine is a system for assessing the importance of web pages by analyzing their link popularity and the quality of the links to them. PageRank was invented by Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page at Stanford University in 1997. The more links to a page, the higher its PageRank, which is a number from 0 to 10.

Engagement metrics

The most important engagement metrics for your website are page views, time on page, and bounce rate. While organic traffic is often the main source of traffic, engagement metrics are just as important. Google is able to determine if your website is providing the best results for your users, and many factors contribute to their quality score. Page load time, helpful content, and engagement metrics all contribute to a positive user experience. These are all metrics you need to understand and monitor.


If you haven’t already, you’re probably wondering what indexing Google is and how it affects your SEO work. The truth is that indexing is an essential part of Google’s search algorithm and the success of your website depends on it. Many people have a misconception that when they visit the Google search engine, a new window will open and they will type in their search terms. The same is true for businesses that produce web content. Here are some tips to get your content indexed in Google’s search engine.


If you’re serious about bringing in traffic to your website, you must understand how Google crawls your site. According to Google, the top search result gets a 37.1% click-through rate. The best way to make sure your content gets noticed is by having a solid navigation system. This is essential for the Google search algorithm to recognize new content. Building backlinks to your site is another important step to your SEO strategy.

Image search

Having images on your website can benefit your SEO efforts in a variety of ways. Initially, this feature was designed to aid visually impaired users, but has branched out into a valuable SEO strategy. As an accessibility issue, images should be well described. However, there are certain best practices that you can follow to make sure Google can recognize the images on your site. Listed below are some of these best practices. Listed below are some common mistakes to avoid when using images on your website.

Local search

If you want to improve your ranking on Google’s search engine, you must optimize your website for local search. The search engine’s algorithm considers a wide variety of factors, including the content of your website and your Google My Business profile. You must also consider the relevance of keywords and user intent, because these two factors affect the chances of your website being ranked high in local search. You can begin by learning the basics of SEO, so that your website will show up higher in local search results.

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