
Heaven – The Ultimate Goal of Every Human Being

Heaven is the ultimate goal of every human being, but what does that mean? For those of us who have faith, Heaven is a very real place. As long as we believe in it, we can see the face of God and experience eternal reality. This knowledge can empower us to live for God now, and to live our lives with purpose and hope. After all, God created us in his own image, and he is worthy of our love, so why not strive to be like Him?

Theosophical lore

Theosophical lore about hell, heaven, and the afterlife is full of ambiguities and contradictions. Although theorists have claimed that the human soul will never leave the body, the truth is more complex. Theosophical doctrines of reincarnation and heaven are very different from those of other religions. For example, theosophy claims that the soul will experience reincarnation after bodily death. While the religion does not have an ethical code, the philosophy supports social improvement and universal brotherhood.

Mesopotamian texts

The Mesopotamian texts for heaven and hell are a mixture of beliefs about the afterlife. The Mesopotamian conception of the etemmu is the antithesis of strict body/soul dualism, and it was associated closely with the physical corpse. In fact, some texts speak of the etemmu as identical to the body. It is even described as sleeping in the grave. But despite its proximity to the grave, it possessed all the corporeal needs of the living, including hunger and thirst.

Aztec mythology

There are several important gods in Aztec mythology, including the moon god, Tlaloc, and the sun god, Mictlantecuhtli. Tlaloc was also associated with rain, water, and lightning, and was the patron of the first day of the month, Cipactli. He is also associated with agriculture and medicine. In Aztec mythology, he is also associated with the constellations, especially stars.

Biblical portrayal

Although the Bible does not specifically mention heaven, it does refer to a place that is far from earth. The biblical writers often refer to heaven as being three-tiered. The apostle Paul was supposedly caught up to the third heaven, but was not allowed to share his experience there. Old Testament Scripture refers to heaven as the firmament and sky, areas of the sky that birds fly through and celestial bodies. This portrayal of heaven is different from the modern conception of heaven that is based on science.

Christian concept of heaven

The early Christian concept of heaven consisted of layers beyond the clouds. The idea of heaven was associated with a loving God and his angels. The modern world cannot accept such a remote leader. Despite this difference, the Christian concept of heaven is enduring. After all, believers are rewarded in heaven for their service to the world. The souls of believers will sing hosannas to the Almighty for eternity. However, a heavenly paradise would be far different from our world today.

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